How to Find a Good Animation Vendor without Tearing Your Hair

October 22, 2019 by Sterco

Many of us are trusted with augmenting the strength of our internal teams by choosing from a list of the best e learning animation companies in India. Choosing wisely here will help your team immensely in the long run. But choose the wrong motion graphics and animation services provider and it will cost you a lot of money, time, resources and a whole lot of sanity.

Finding one of the best e learning animation companies in India is a time consuming effort which can when done correctly provide that much needed break to a cost effective way to work.

Identifying Such a Company Needs One to Look for the Following

1.Choose a company that stresses on Instructional design: There are many eye candy demos available with most motion graphics and animation services providers. They will show 3D animations, gamification and immersive graphics which are bound to attract you.

But focus on those who put instructional design over graphic extravagance. The quality of a product is enhanced only if it contributes towards instructional effectiveness by identifying and then providing answers to skill, knowledge and information gaps for the selected audience.

If you quiz any of the best e learning animation companies in India regarding the relevance of the demo training to the real case, you will get your answer if they really are one of the best  best e learning animation companies in India.

The questions could be on business or performance issues that the design tackled, or the role of the knowledge transfer and about learner’s feedback. Most times we directly after looking at the demo jump to the cost factor which is relevant but at this stage should be avoided at best.

2.How realistic is their subject matter expertise: You should focus on companies who have a good understanding of learning and not be just domain experts. A good way ahead will be to interview their instructional designer and test their objectivity and curiosity of a subject to see the material from the learner’s point of view.

This is the only way to make an eLearning material that focuses on learning needs of the audience rather than teaching them about a process or a concept. Subject Matter Experts or SMEs are mainly domain experts who have been drilled about the process or concept in a certain manner and hence they view it ahead similarly whereas the Instructional Designers have training to look at the same thing from the level of the audience and hence can help provide a better eLearning material. Any good motion graphics and animation services company should have a good mix of both to make it viable for your team.

3.Check their track record: A vendor who has worked with well-known names from your particular industry from both the private and the non-profit industries will have a better chance to provide you with material that focuses on various aspects of the training material.

Although this is not always true and the only way to check it out is to speak to a few of the past customers to get an idea of their experience regarding deadlines, budget adherence, creative thinking capabilities, etc.

4.Project Management capabilities: Any elearning team is made up of many people who work on various aspects to bring out the materials. Instructional designers, visual designers, programmers, project managers, quality experts, etc.

And all of them are brought together through a project management methodology. Ask the vendors about how they shall share the projects, the structure of their team and visit them to check and get a feel of the environment.

A big no-no will come if one person is working on more than one aspect making such a person a potential hazard for your project in case they leave the company half way through the project. A visit will also help you gauge if the management approach of the vendor will be a fit with your company’s culture or lead to frustrations at a later date.

5.Flexibility and fit with your company: Any outsourcing work to a motion graphics and animation services company is a huge risk unless they feel like an extended part of your company. Their team and your internal teams should be able to seamlessly integrate and work in a flexible manner. They also should be adaptable to change in scope or deadlines at your end.

Once one company from your long list of the best e learning animation companies in India fits all of these pointers you can rest assured that you are on the right path to find yourself a trusted extension of your in-house team.

best e learning animation companies in India How to Find a Good Animation Vendor

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