How to develop a game that appeals to everyone

November 20, 2019 by Sterco

Game development is a complicated process but the basic concepts to create any game whether on paper, video games, role play or any of the other genres is not difficult to understand. Creating a game digitally is a lot like creating animation where you draw a lot of frames and make them run one after the other to create motion. The difference is in the complexity of the game.

In an animation, we know the next step of the animation but in a game, the computer draws for us once the input is done. This happens constantly and in a loop to gather user input, then calculate the changes, draw and present and then back to gather input. This loop plays 60 times per second usually and has been the same for old as well as new games.

HTML5 game development is the newest entry to game development which runs directly in a browser. It however uses the exact same language and front end development as the browser making it easier to manipulate and develop. With HTML, JS and CSS, one can create simple games easily to run on any platform but HTML5 game development also needs a canvas API to make more complicated games.

The Canvas API uses scripting to draw graphics while you control every pixel of the graphic involved. It works well for both 2D as well as 3D graphics. To use 3D graphics though is slightly more complicated and requires one to first learn webGL. The most tempting part of HTML5 game development though is the use of JS which is one of the most popular programming languages in the world and has an unparalleled support system. It also is preferred by any HTML5 development company in India as the user need not update their browser or install any libraries or tools every time they run the game, thus helping in game distribution and usage.

HTML5 development company in India also prefer it over other platforms as it provides them with:

  1. Cross platform compatibility: It offers perfect sync options between all types of browsers like Firefox, Android browser, Chrome, Safari, Amazon Silk, IE, Opera and all mobile browsers. This brings down the cost of development as the codes need to be made or changed only once and not be created as native for each OS.

  1. Remote updations: Updation of the browser happens automatically for all users without any manual intervention required. This benefits both the developers and the providers while benefiting the end customer.

  1. A step into the future: It caters to all browsers and OS and is the best choice for a range of devices. It thus helps connect to the emerging as well as developed markets without having to worry about them in isolation or even differently.

  1. Good support: Many game frameworks have been used by the developers like Phaser, Trubulenz, Construct, etc. and most of their kinks already ironed out by the developer community worldwide.

HTML5 game development

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