How Bespoke Content is a Better Investment

September 30, 2019 by Sterco

With so many easy to produce tools available in the market, the need to stand out from the crowd and be specific to your business requirements is the need of the hour. Custom eLearning content development or bespoke content development is perfect for such needs. It can be adapted and customised to the very specific learning needs that can help provide improved performance, better learning and more pronounced business outcomes.

Such custom eLearning content development will provide an edge to your material when designed well over any other classroom training as it is better equipped and tailored to the right corporate training requirements, takes care of the learner’s styles and preferences better provides a more enhanced personalized learning experience and can deliver much better branding.

Most of the top eLearning content development companies provide both bespoke content as well as template based eLearning materials. The off-the-shelf course will surely be less expensive and faster to develop than a custom eLearning content development but will not provide that panache to your content to stand out and be recognised. But do invest in it only if you are ready to provide your time and efforts to make the content immersive, challenging as well as engaging.

Here are a few ways that custom eLearning content development can help boost the quality of your eLearning courses.


  1. Engaging content: It provides much more relevant and up to date content that is authentic to your particular situation or industry and thus becomes a lot more meaningful and engaging for the learner.
  2. Brand alignment: These courses are crafted to adhere to your particular branding and style guidelines where each page as well as its graphics is perfectly in-sync with the specifications of your particular company. This will provide that much needed peace of mind for the future to avoid any legal hassles as well as provide a strengthening of the brand values for the learner.
  3. Increases engagement of the learner: Such courses are mostly learner-centric and address a particular lacuna in the learners’ knowledge base. This targeted approach affects the motivation of the learner as well as promotes their engagement with the content. This happens through an abundance of case studies, simulations and contextual scenarios that immerse the learner into the course. It also can help provide extra training to an existing employee thus keeping a tab on the costs for additional recruitment and increased employee turnover.
  4. Easier to upgrade: Any of the top eLearning content development companies will charge you a bit for this custom eLearning content development but in the long run it is worth it. It is much easier and less expensive to upgrade or even scale your content in a quick manner. This will boost the ROI on the training needs of your organization and make better business sense to invest in them.
  5. Better compliance monitoring: Each company has its own variations to the general compliance and regulatory settings which differ from region to region at times as well as within countries. Delivering bespoke content that takes care of these complex compliance networks especially if the content is disseminated on a worldwide basis is a boon to any manager towards reducing the risks with local procedures and the risk of a compliance violation.

The costs may be higher for a custom eLearning content development but with so many other benefits that it provides an organization, it should be the first choice when you create an eLearning course. It will help train the learners better and more effectively and you can control its delivery method and pace as well.

Custom eLearning content development

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